Open from Tuesday to Friday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm, Saturday: 10:00 am - 12:30 pm, Closed on Sundays, Mondays & Public HolidaysIt is sometimes necessary to make appointments during these hours, so it is advisable to give me a call on 07917 315515 to check if the showroom is manned to avoid a wasted journey.
The showroom is located within the grounds of Dobbies Garden Centre. From the entrance turn left to the outside plant area, follow the path for 20m and turn right where you will see the showroom in the oak framed building.
Advance notice: the showroom will be temporarily closed from 4:00pm on Friday 20th September until 10:00am on Wednesday 16th October inclusive. Due to the time difference (New Zealand) during this period phone calls will not be answered, but emails will be monitored. Thank you